Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Ask.com relaunch

Ask.com just had a relaunch of their website. My first impression is that it looks and feels like Google.... with a touch of Yahoo.

Its certainly a vast improvement over the original and while the little touches on the UI like skins that are nice to have. Interestingly, the search results returned feels more personal compared to what I can find from a Google search. I could actually find some of the old web sites of friends just by searching for their names; some thing which I cannot find in Google. The search customization panel on the left is also a nice touch compared to Google's which is located at the top and bottom.

For now, I think I will stick to Google search.

1 comment:

xl said...

Cool!! I just tried using it ha ha indeed the results returned feel much more personal compared to Google. However, i feel that their search engine is still not as " strong" as Google after i encountered nil results for some searches.